1. Writing book on women and educational leadership.

  2. Wrote global Faculty & Staff Handbook for a start-up global school network.

  3. Framed and wrote Talent Development resource guide — and numerous marketing brochures — for a start-up global school network; and advised and provided design guidance on graphics and layout.

  4. Wrote and managed tens of successful foundation and federal grant submissions—managed awards and relationships.

  5. Conceptualized tens of plans, analyses, and frameworks—communicating their content in memo, report, presentation, brochure, and manual/guide/framework format.

  6. Developed white papers, reports, policies, press releases, Op-Eds, articles, and presentations for seven urban school district superintendents and university, foundation, non-profit, and company leaders.

  7. Crafted communication and fund development plans for a myriad of organizations.

  8. Edited position papers, board memos, board policies, reports, research reports, dissertations, legislative testimonies, grant and business proposals, theses, books, and publication submissions.